Ended up having sex with a friend's crush. HELP?!?

So this one girl and I hang out in the same big group of friends and I have absolutely nothing against her but she HATESSSS my guts for whatever reason. Well she kinda had a "thing" with this guy I guess. I mean they aren't/weren't dating but they flirted a lot and it was pretty much just known that she wanted to be with him. So anyway we were all spending the night after at a friend's last night and I woke up to them screaming at each other apparently she was face-wasted drunk! So I ended up comforting the guy who I've actually also kinda had a thing for or at least think he's really really hot. We actually ended up hooking up and falling asleep together and he told me he wants it to turn into a relationship.. The thing is I really really want to go out with him too but I don't know what to do because our mutual friend will hate me and I'm kinda freaked out by her, and I just don't know how we will ever tell our friends? What should I do? Should I just pretend nothing ever happened? I really like him :(

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