Advice needed. Have an older (72, I'm 50) friend who constantly reminds me how little she eats due to?

lack of money.A typical day for her is eating a honeybun (fat and sugar) pretzels and sipping Coke and sweet tea.(says she’s not diabetic) Maybe once or twice a week she will mooch a meal off of the local pizza shop-salad, grilled chicken, french fries, soda) She is a widow who owns her own home, has no mortgage, no car (no longer drives-lost license due to nonpayment of registration and insurance), buys no clothes or shoes, and gets $1200/month social security. Her health is deteriorating and I can't help but think that diet plays at least some part. Basic blood work is pretty good except cholesterol is a bit high so she doesn't order fries as often.She has had cellulitis on her legs for a year now-treated w/antibiotics and went away for a while.Dr. prescribed a cream which she says she can't afford so she didn't buy it and the cellullitis came back. Her skin now weeps constantly and is extremely painful-this CAN NOT be good. I have given her contact info for social services for food to be delivered, medicaid, etc., but she always has an excuse-no ride-no money-nobody called her back-no money-lost the number-no money, etc.-get the picture? She thinks she has a lack of money problem. Any time I mention that a better diet will make her feel better she changes the subject to sunshine and roses. She's always telling me about these dreams she has where a knight in shining armor(a rich one) whisks her away . this is only the tip of the iceberg. I don't want to be cruel or insensitive- I know that $1200 is a lot of money, but I also know it doesn't go far these days. Can't talk to her kids 'cause they don't really want anything to do w/her and she doesn't know why. I think I am her only friend ( I am female). She asked to borrow $50 once back when she was working.I did not give it to her because I did not want to take a chance of ruining our friendship. So, she knows she will not get money from me and does not ask anymore. She also takes awful chances. When she worked at a convenience store a few years ago, she would never have a ride home. Somehow, she would always find someone to give her a ride (15 minute drive from the store. Now, when she walks the ½ mile to the pizzeria, people stop and tell her she looks like she’s in pain and they give her a ride-complete strangers. She calls me almost everyday and could talk (usually about the same thing) for hours-everyday! My husband is getting tired of all the time I spend listening to her complaining. Wow...that’s a lot. If you’re still with me, tell me, am I helping or hurting her by listening. It’s all I can really do-or is there something I'm missing?.

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