Is the main problem with most Republicans that they believe the free market is ethical, and magical, in a way?

This is my main problem with the approach Republicans take to the free market and capitalism:

1. Business owners are regulated by competition in the marketplace, and this makes capitalism more competitive because of it.

REALITY: In capitalism, government is the referee. Unlike sports though, it's easier for one side to bribe the ref, sometimes make him go away. This is essentially what Republicans have done. There's nothing more a business would love to become than a monopoly, and their biggest friend is always government, whenever they're on their side.

2. Capitalism is magical, and can solve every economic problem.

REALITY: Not true at all. While Americans are taught to focus only on Cuba and Russia as examples of why socialism is bad, they are not shown very clear examples from South America of how capitalism can also fail. Perhaps that's why Latin American history isn't taught in schools. The local elites in most of those countries, from Mexico to Peru, to Brazil, are quite fond of hoarding most of their country's wealth for themselves were notorious for instigating scores of Communist revolutions, many of which still have movements surviving in Colombia and Peru, possibly elsewhere. If they don't have those movements, they have what Brazil has, masses of armed gangs fighting in the slums. These are the places most of these preppy Republicans mock and talk about when they visit their countries for Spring Break. However, they don't realize that is what America will turn into when Reaganomics runs its course. These places are very capitalist, why are they complete disasters then?

Again, this is probably why we don't learn much about Latin American history in school.


Sure Paulo, I bet our system is mixed, RIGHT.

Let the market go unregulated and it will be an anarchy, a DISASTER. You will probably lose your job very quickly, your business, and your rights and pay. You are exactly who I'm talking about.

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