May 2021 2 18 Report

I need itunes help! ASAP?

Okay so i just got an iPod touch. Well before, i had the nano. I figure you can have two different ipods connect to one itunes. Im partially right. On my touch, i wanted to download a song but couldnt unless i bought the whole album. Being the moron i am, i downloaded the whole album. Well i didnt like any other song on the album, and i cant delete it from my ipod. So i connect it to my itunes and it says i cant back it up. I havent hooked up my nano to my itunes since i got my touch. So i got to the sync setting page and click on the last one in back up, check the box and think that will work... No. And so now it still wont bak up and no matter how many times i delete it off my itunes, its still on my touch! They dont on my nano cuz i just connected it just incase. On my nano the album doesnt download, just the one i didnt delete. But on my touch, once it syncs, it adds them back on there while saying that it cant do back up... What do i do to get them dang songs off and to have back up?!?!

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