May 2021 3 69 Report

Need 30th Birthday Celebration Ideas?

My roommate and best friend is turning 30 at the end of June. She initially wanted to do an 80s club night but realized not a lot of 80s music is good to dance to. She's usually a shy person but has admitted once she gets drunk she will dance so she would like that as an option. Also, she wants to invite people but not necessarily plan to have it as a big party and more has a mentality of, if people make it great, if not oh well, and would be definitely ok with it if it was just her and us roommates.

Since it is her 30th birthday, she has said she wants to get $#!+-faced drunk.

I'm already throwing my other roommate and another friend a combination birthday party at a casino this month so that idea is out.

We live in Seattle if that helps. I really want to make her 30th memorable and insane. Oh and I don't think she'll enjoy any themed parties.

Thanks very much for the help!

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