May 2021 10 24 Report

Questions for ALL pet owners?

did you get your beloved fur buddy from a shelter or a breeder? Why? Are you against shelters or breeders?

I'm 17 and my whole life my mother has raised dogs. She's a breeder. I hate when people constantly say "fix your dog, don't buy from breeders." I'm a VERY openminded person, so i understand both sides. Adopt to save the dogs lives. Spay or neuter if it's a pet. Send a puppy home with a spay neuter contract and make sure they go through with it. But i have something to tell people who are not thinking about both sides and only preach adopting.

If all we do is adopt from shelters and spay and neuter, EVENTUALLY there will be no purebred dogs, or what little there is the price will go up so much more, dogs wont be a common pet anymore, and eventually there will be close to no dogs at all. I understand we wouldn't live to see it. But guys think about it really, it's foolish, there are good breeders too.

Enjoy this picture of a past australian shepherd puppy that was born from my PET. Pets can have babies too.

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