How do I make my lower voice an unconscious habit?

I struggled with an annoyingly high voice for the majority of my life. It led to people calling me ugly more,names and making up rumors about me. I believe that it is also the main hindrance to me getting a girlfriend, because no woman wants a man who sounds like woman. Everyone used to think of me as less than a man and they treated me disrespectfully. Since then I watched some videos on line and I learned how to talk in my chest voice. It sounds better and I'm very happy with it. I met some new people and I always use this voice around them and I think that they respect me more than if I was to use my normal voice. I also feel very confident and happy, but the problem happens when I talk to my old friends who have known me forever or my when I'm with the family. I forget about it and my voice reverts to the highest and feminine version and I want this to stop. Does anyone have any ideas to help me talk in my chest voice without having to think about it. I would like for it to be more of an unconscious reaction. So that my normal voice will be my new, manlier chest voice. (Ignorant answers will be politely over looked and rude jokes will be by passed. I don't entertain trolls, I just take the bridge over them) I would like to here from the ladies too if they have any advise one voice training.

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