How can I stop having panic attacks when I have stage-fright?

Please don't answer if you've never had suffered with panic attacks or if you don't know how to deal with them, as if you don't then I really appreciate your help but it isn't really helpful.

I've always been fine with talking to an audience, and acting in front of them. But about I month ago, I had to do a presentation as an assignment. I started off fine, then I started getting really nervous and sweating. Then my voice went all wobbly, until I eventually found it hard to speak. I felt dizzy, and I knew I was about to faint. I was breathing heavily. I was having a panic attack. So I finished it halfway through to go and sit down. I got a low mark.

Then yesterday afternoon in Performing Arts, I was reading out my script to the class. It wasn't intimidating at all, I could sit down and everything, and the whole class was girls. So I began to read out my script. But then, I started doing what I did in my English presentation, having a panic attack. I stopped halfway through, and used my type 1 diabetes as an excuse to go to the medical room.

And in Spanish this morning, my teacher told me to stand up and read from the board and to finish the sentence (because I'm quite good at Spanish). I started breathing heavily and fast, my voice going wobbly, me feeling dizzy, but I just about managed to do it really quick.

Please help me! How do I stop having panic attacks when I have stage-fright?! I have to perform back to my class in drama every week, and as it's been the easter holidays I haven't performed back since I started having panic attacks. I will tell my teacher. But how do I stop them?? PLEASE HELP.

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