How am I acting weird?!?!?

So I was texting with my crush & below is part of our conversation. (By the way we both like each other) And then he said that I was acting weird and it's actually the second time that he says that. But I just don't understand how I'm acting weird?? Is it the way I'm texting is he just reading my text wrong or what?

This is our conversation:

Him:Ikr & do u think u r a qud sis?

Me:With my sister iam but with my bro' oh gosh -.-

Him:Lol. U fiqht with him

Me:Yes all da time lol


Me:Lol is cuz he soo annoying asf' >.<

Him:Like me ;)

Me:Lmaoo' smh

Him:Yea u kno I am

Me:But how?

Him:U tell me if I'm annoying 

Me:Well for me idont think dt ur annoying

Him:Oooooh sure

Me:Smdh. Well tbh idk if yur annoying or not ok lol

Him:How ***?

Me:Idk lol

Him:0kay how about when I text u? & I feel lyk u dont kno me or s0methinq

Me:But ido know you & no yur nt annoying wen u txt me

Him:Okay? O.o


Him:Nothin & u r acting weird

Me:How am I acting weird? ;(

Him:How dont kno how 2 explain but u r

Me:Ohhh :(


So by reading our conversation can you explain to me how am I acting weird ???

What should I do to stop acting weird?

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