Could I be possessed?

I remember I used to be a priest boy in church for a long time until my teens when I stopped I felt dark and started getting into trouble my cousin said a prayer for me while I was in front of his as he said the prayer my stomach had the worst feeling ever still to today and when he stopped it stopped I was in a cathedral as a priest boy holding the bible as the priest read after I was on my knees and out of no where I urinated uncontrollably and the last major thing is Easter bout 3 years ago at church they lit the inscents and when it came my way I passed out instantly and when I woke up I threw up and every time that I have been to church since then I would feel weird or angry until I leave I'm serious is this done type of mild possession by a demon I'm afraid if I goto church I might lash out or pass out again it's just every time I try to get back involved with the church something weird I can't explain happens to me

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