Would you like to know that Glen Beck got a call on his Red Phone?

I think Glen Beck is mostly an entertainer. But I would be elated to be able to require Obama's advisers to answer under oath many of the questions Glen has asked. As the paranoid crazy guy (not Glen, he may be crazy, but this is a different crazy guy) said, I may be crazy, but that doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.

OK I admit I'm not an Obama fan. But it's got nothing to do with his skin color. I believe government should do a lot of things for everyone. But not everything for everyone. I believe they should build schools, roads, and such. They should try and protect me from criminal acts. But beyond that get the hell out of my way and leave me alone.

The saying goes if you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas. Obama has said if you want to know who I am look at who I have around me. If that is true. He's got a lot of "senior advisers" who had said a lot of things in the past that sound -- not very main stream America to me.

A White House spokes-lady has said that Fox lies about Obama. That Beck lies about Obama. Well to his credit Glen Beck has set up a phone the White House can call to complain about all the things he's "supposedly" said that were wrong.

Now I can't say for certain it's a real phone, or that it's even connected, or that the spokes-lady even has the number. But if the White House considered it important enough to say that people employed by Fox News were lying on non cable/public TV, why haven't they called? Beck has said he'll lead his show off with ANYTHING he's said that is wrong, incorrect, or just misinterpreted.

*LOL* I just think the White House is just too afraid to open that can of worms. Is Glen paranoid? And even if he is are they are hiding something.

IF it were me by the Glen's Red phone. I'd answer it either- Devil speaking. Who in hell do you want? Or Tony's Pizza. Whatta canna I getta for you? Just to screw with their heads an make them think they dialed the wrong number.

TGIF folks.


Chris did you see that part about "Notice This website is 100% parody".

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