Why is my Mom so controlling when it comes to me going back to an ex I want back?

Ok so Im going to make this as fast as possible...please bare with me.

Ok like 2 years ago I broke up with my boyfriend because he hit me while he was drunk.

It was a one time thing. He also had sex with my best friend but that was BECAUSE I LET HIM. We were having a threesome and I wanted it to happen. Later I regreted it because I got jealous and wanted it to stop but they kept going at it that night. Now you might think this is the worse boyfriend in the world but not to me. To this day I miss him like crazy and sometimes I even want him back. My Mother said if I get back with him she will kick me out. And ever since then she has been too overbearing, nagging, controlling , domineering Mother who just seems to get worse and worse everyday. She is like this about EVERYTHING not just about my ex. Im so tired of her ways ! Now after 2 years of being broken up with this guy I dont know if I actually broke up with him for what he did to me, or because my Mom made me do it !

I want to be able to make my own decisions not someone make them for me.

My question is, how do I know if I broke up with him because I knew it was the right thing to do since he hit me and had sex with my friend (even though I let him do it) or it was my Mom's controlling ways that influenced me? Im sooo confused please help. I feel trapped and suffocated by her. With him I never felt that way. Sometimes I just want to run away with this guy and never look back just to get away from her. I think I was better off with him . I REALLY DO FEEL THIS WAY sometimes sorry.

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