Why does he have this behavior?

I called my BF on a Friday asking him if he can try to cover his Saturday shift so he can join my girlfriend's bday dinner party and to let me know if he can or not make it.. I didn't hear from him all night. So the next day on Saturday before he left to work, i called him and he didn't pick-up. It made me furious because I felt he was playing childish games/ acting like one. Also, it makes me feel he doesn't like me going out. Sunday came along and i didn't hear from him before he went to work either. Though, i didn't want to txt him, i asked why hasn't he gotten back to me?" After his shift all he txt was, "hi, how are you?" ,as if nothing had happened., which off course pissed me off more. I didn't reply and just left it like that.

On Monday's I normally go to his place after work, but since I have not heard from him all weekend, i just went home instead, hoping he will reach me. I called him at 830pm and he tells me he is with his son (5yrs) at universal studios ( i heard his son, so he was not lying)... Obviously, I couldn't control myself anymore because i couldn't understand his behavior. IT MAKES ME FEEL HE DOES THIS AS A FORM OF PUNISHMENT. C'mon couldn't he thought i would go to his place after work.?? It's common sense!!!! Couldn't he communicated with me he was going to Univ. Studios?

Seriously, doesn't any other normal guy call or txt her back and at least say, "babe, i can't make it, but have fun or at least acknowledge that she calls?

Guys, is this a form of a controlling boyfriend? We didn't have an argument prior to this, so i can't figure out why he acted this way. This behavior was the last straw and decided to break it off.

He was shocked and now trying to win me back.(he already sent me flowers at my job, something he does every time we have an arguement).. Says, it's a drastic decision... but i can't take it anymore because this is not the first time it happens. Sometimes, this relationship feels like a battle and i am tired of feeling i am at fault or trying to figure out his behavior. he did mention, he hates it that he has to work on weekends and wishes to have that. I still don't think i deserve this treatment. Guys, let me know what you think.

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