Why do people think that counseling is the answer to everything?

if u have been sexually abused as a child,how is someone telling you "it's not you're fault",going to help,of course it's not your fault,and telling you to "let go" etc,and "forgive",and "god loves you" and "pray" i mean come on,when these things are happening who is praying then......no amount of praying will stop an evil abuser from doing what there doing...and what goes around comes around is not true,some people never get what they truly deserve(even if 5 heart attacks havent killed them)believe me i have had couceling and it does not work! just makes me angrier...all there doing is pushing the bad feelings aside for a few yrs...they come back believe me....

people who have been hurt as a child or been through a bad experience please let me know truthfully if counceling really did help you or is it just temporary wool over the eyes...because these councelors will never really know what u have been through unless they experience it themselves!


i open up to my husband and tell him how i feel etc,but he can't help and he does not know what to say...people are scared i think,thats why they push u away to "someone who can help"

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