May 2021 10 574 Report

Why do all the people that believe in the rapture quote scriptures?

I have study all the scriptures that are supposed to tell about the rapture. In addition, I find that if you read with your heart and not with your mind you will find that all the verses state one thing “Jesus is coming back” Not tacking us off. I just wonder, are all the faithful being told these lies have they tacking the time to read or they just listing to someone who at the end of service they tell them if you do not believe me go look it up for your self and check me out. Will I hate to be the one to tell you, you have already been seduced to think what he/she thanks? AS for the religious believer’s you are all handcuff to a doctrine of rules, not faith. The true faith is Christ and being Christ like. And what scares me is I find fought in most religion believe, you are run by rules other then what the bible { God’s on word } states, most change the word to better suit them. That is why most people never set foot in a church. Jesus said I am truth and the way and no one goes to the father except by me….! He did not say you have to be prefect first. Today so many churches look at what clothes you have on, the car you drive, the amount of money you give, and the house you live in. Jesus said bring me your poor, rich, and your sick and I shell heal them all, not just the upper class. So tell me are you Christ like or just religious role-playing. Back up with hard facts not just the same name game the bible says, my pastor said or that Is what I believe. I am a Holy Ghost filled Baptist. I believe in Jesus the resin son of God.


Jesus does not use the words rapture but you all believe in the rapture He simply says he is coming back and we will meet him in the clouds. Where is the clouds setting in the holiest of holy’s and know where is that located? New Jerusalem, fallow the word of our father and you will find truth, not a made up story to make you set and wait and wait. Most religious people do just that where is the witnessing. (Holy GHOST FILLED CHRISTON.)

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