Why Are Kids Scared Of The Military?

Why is it that all the high school grads are scrambling for college money, but they don't wanna work for it?

Why don't they just join the military and have it payed for?

Another thing is these kids don't have a sense of money. They take out all of these loans, and barely work while in college expecting to get a good paying job, and just pay them off later. Do they not realize that the interest is designed to cost more than the loans a lot of the time?

Why don't most of them just serve one term in the branch of their choice and then never go into debt?

I hear people complain about losing freedom through the military, but the military is why we are able to keep our freedoms. If it weren't for veterans we wouldn't have a lot of what we have.

It's just four years. You want the freedom, but don't want to earn it through serving time in the military? Not everyone can get scholarships. I know a lot of people who can't get a scholarship because their parents work two jobs too get by and get told they make too much for their kids to qualify for scholarships. And what about all of us who had practically full time jobs in high school causing us to have less time to focus on our school work, or do extra curricular activities that look good on college applications.

What is worse? 50,000 dollars in debt, or four years of your life where you're payed to save money?


I meant government officials.

Update 3:

Lost, the military does save money. It's a proven fact. Free housing, free food, free healthcare, etc.

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