Why are children being raised to hate the president?

I am 15 years old and I would consider myself somewhat knowledgeable in politics. I live in a mostly conservative county in Ohio. I have chosen to be a Democrat because I think it makes more sense. I don't usually speak my political mind in school because most of my friends are Republican and I don't want to spark any mean arguments. But I have overheard people mainly during election calling President Obama a 'Terrorist', a 'Dirty Muslim' , 'Communist Lover' and many other rude and racist comments. My mother who happens to be a strong Liberal always told me to now bash Governor Romney nor President Bush even if I thought it. Most of the kids in my grade don't really watch or read about politics so they typically side with there parents and I don't think that these kids parents are teaching there children very well. Even if you don't like the President, they must have been intelligent and well rounded leader to become their position in the first place and they should be treated with respect. It just doesn't make sense why children are being raised to hate the leader of their country who only looks to keep us safe.

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