White Guy Wants to Move to Asia?

For the longest time, I've been a huge Europhile, and have dreamed of living in Europe when I graduate college, which is very soon.

I traveled to Asia three times in the past year - Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Korea, Japan - and absolutely fell in love.

I was never interested in Asia before, but now, it has replaced Europe for me. The food, the architecture, the music, everything was so different and exciting. Obviously, I'm being broad here, but now I'm thinking of Asia instead of Europe.

I'm white, and short (5'7'' male). I think I would also really like living in Asia, because people are around my height - everyone's taller than me in the USA, and Europeans are giants!

Which places in Asia would be most accepting of white people? I got mixed reviews…in Vietnam, people seemed to like the fact that I was white, in Japan they did not care, and in Korea, people didn't really like it. I'm good with languages (tones are no problem), and I have a versatile degree.

Honestly, I've always kind of hated white people with an "Asia fetish". The kids in my school who study Chinese are so haughty about knowing basic sentences, and I've seen one girl who had been studying Japanese for five years try and correct a native speaker on something grammatical. So I sort of understand the hostility, but I'm not really like those kids.

I really want to live in Asia! Which country would be best, for a short, white guy like me? I'm also Jewish, if that means anything.

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