May 2021 5 5 Report

Where can I donate gently used toys & books in Monmouth County, NJ?

I have tons of books (ranged from very young to teen), clean stuffed animals, and gently used toys (all pieces in place and unbroken). It is IMPOSSIBLE to find a place that will accept donations.

I tried the Salvation Army, and they can't accept any toys/books for the next four months for reasons unknown. Local Ronald McDonald houses, Toys for Tots, and Red Cross only want brand new and still package things. The local hospitals won't take it (which I kind of understand for sterilization issues in the stuffed toys) and local Goodwill only takes clothing items, and refuses toys and books.

I'm at wits end. I would just hate to trash all these things when I know there has to be those out there that could love them as much as I did as a child. It's not like these things are in bad condition. I cleaned everything; toys and puzzles still have all their pieces, the books are obviously read, but still in decent shape.

Does anyone know where I can donate these things?

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