When should I talk to her? It seems we never have time or the opportunity?

Im a 17 year old high school senior

Shes a college girl in her early 20s

I do volunteer work where she works (boys + girls club)

we don't talk much but we are always checking each other out

I noticed how much she stared at me and I do it back. and she pops up where ever Im at. she'll stare at me from across the room or if I enter a room where she is at she'll watch me walk

when she leaves a room where we are both in, she ALWAYS has to walk past me and always right in front of me

and twice she sat down at a table I was at. the 1st time she made some small talk with me and the 2nd time she just listened to my conversation

whenever she makes small talk she makes eye contact

she is a very mature girl and carries herself professionally. she demands respect and receives it. she doesnt know how old I am but she went to the same high school I do and I could pass for 18+

but she is shy around me

if we are walking towards each other, she slows down but nothing happens


I am constantly interacting with the kids. and I leave hours before she does

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