What food item have you eaten for the longest consecutive number of days? Mine would be pizza for months?

The was a time when I would get those $5 Little Caesars Pizza everyday for at least two months if not three. Other long term dinner iteswould be chili for weeks, and once bacon for a few weeks (1 whole package)

As of now, I've been on a Slurpee binge. I drive over to 7-11 at 5am to get one. Favorite mix is Sour Apple & Cherry. I also found out that if you mix Watermelon & Coke flavors together it makes Pink Bubble Gum flavor...weird but true. Try it sometime.


I ate some paella at a restaraunt on my sisters b-day just to try it out. I had to search for a place that served it. It was expensive. The pan was as big as a dinner plate, the scallops were the size of mini marshmallows, cut up chicken breast, etc...It was $85. I was expecting a bigger pan, but it was good for two people.

Update 3:

I love it when you go into a mexican restaurant, and bam, chips and salsa served to you like they know how much you love it and knew you were coming. Whenever i'm with eating with my parents and sistersat a mexican restaurant, it seems like we're competing in a chip eating contest. I think we usually go through 3 baskets before the food comes out.

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