May 2021 2 66 Report

Was this girl flirting with me?

So i walk up to the front of my class an tell my professor I have to leave early because i had job interviews so im wearing a suit and lookin my best, she says ok, then this cute girl I have a thing for leaves right when I sit back down, I then see an oppurtunity an leave right then as well to maybe try and talk to her but she already has a good head start on me down the hallway, but when I leave the class room the girl looks behind her and then immediately pulls back her hair, which kinda pulled her shirt up and revealed some skin, and then slows down her walkin and then she starts preening and swaying her hips a bit more to make her booty move quite a bit, anyways just wondering If this was her trying to flirt with me, I've also noticed her looking over her shoulder at my direction during class just wondering if these are some signs that maybe she likes me an I should try and talk to her.. Also do you think she might of got up and left when she heard I was leaving early? Just to see if I'd maybe follow or whatever? Some additional information I'm 23 years old she's a little younger than me an also I looked pretty sharp in that suit lol..

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