This girl hates her cat and tried to kill it and I saved it and its at my house atm, help!?


Ok so there is this girl I dont like named Jane. Her last name is Case so maybe you can find her on Facebook...

Well she had a party and she invited me and her brand new cat which her parents got as a surprise for her was there. She hates it, the cat is soooo cute and it is a girl and it is named Maxine. It was sitting on my lap and I was petting it and it loved it!! Jane came and she was all pissed off at the cat for no reason and she started screaming about how much she hates it and the cat like got scared, so it jumped onto the table in front of me. Then when Jane was leaving she rolled up a magazine and threw it at Maxine and she fell off the table! Luckilly my brand new TNA purse was on the ground and it was open and the cat landed right in it roflll...

Well we were all outside and we couldnt go in Janes pool becasue the weather was bad. She wanted to show us something really cool, she can make the pools temperature sooo hot, that the entire backyard turns into a sauna and there is soooo much steam!

She increased the pool temperature to as high as it goes, any maybe 20 minutes later, there was tons and tons of steam in the backyard!

The water was boiling!

Then she turned the heat off but the pool was still hot of course. We were all outside and like I was wearing my swim clothes and we were like in a "sauna" and Jane was talking to Jennifer about how she wants to throw the cat in the pool and then when her parents come say it drowned!

I was shocked and the water was creazy hot, look at all the steam coming from it! Well Jane didnt care and she came out with the cat, and this was the WORST ACTING EVER.

She walked near the pool and started talking to everyone, then she fully THREW the cat into the pool and started screaming and saying it slipped out!!

Everyone was screaming and well I love animals and I was wearing swim clothes, I knew the pool was crazy hot but I jumped inside and I was screaming so much and then I grabbed the cat and I could barely moove the water was sooo hot and it made my skin feel sooo red and itchy and tight and I barely made it to the edge of the pool and I pushed the cat out of the water and I couldnt move but my boyfriend pulled me out and then he like wrapped me up in a towel and like 20 mins later I was fine. My entire skin is a bit red but no burns or scars but it is sensitive.

Jane started screaming at me for saving her cat, she said she doesnt want it, I went and changed and I kidnapped the cat, and my boyfriend helped me home and my parents are on a trip, we ordered pizza and watched The Simpsons movie and he had to leave so I am upstairs in my room right now and I am on my laptop and the cat is rolling on the bed looking at the simpsons on tv!! AWWWW!!!

Well waht should I do?

When I jumped into the pool, the pain was terrible but I am 100% better now, I have like some red splotches, but I rubbed a cool sponge all over my body which helped A LOT!

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