May 2021 3 11 Report

Substitutes for sticks and pine cones for dogs?

My 5 month old Retriever absolutely LOVES sticks and pine cones. Every time we let her outside to go to the bathroom she comes back with a stick or a pine wanting to bring it back inside. I have heard some terror stories about dogs and pine cones and wish we could find something she would like to chew on more than what nature has to offer.

We have at least 4 different sized bully sticks around our house that she can access at any time of the day, yet she seems to be losing interest. We also give her dental bones, hooves, pork bones, nylabones, etc.

Nothing that we gives her can ever measure up to the great ol' pine cone in the backyard. I am wondering if anyone has gone through this with their dog and if they have found anything that seems to work that is dog-safe and also house-safe (don't want to clean up a big mess inside).

Thank you!

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