Should I stay or go? Relatively short simply question.?

This is simply me unable to choose between staying away from a boy I usually meet Saturdays or going to see him.

He knows I adore him and he says he has feelings too, but he can be dismissive at times because he has trouble with the idea of committing (he isn't seeing anyone else even though he has plenty of options - he's choosing "just me", but yet he can't bring himself to call us an "us"/ask me out shiz). I don't know if I can be bothered with the confusion, yet at the same time I know he makes me happy (though also frustrated).. It's all complex in my mind so I'm leaving the decision up to the less biased..YOU. :L


He has been cheated on, and was dumped because she was bored of the 'commitment' and responsibilities, wanting a friends with benefits deal.

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