Quick work around for no-save Edit problem?

As soon as you save your answer, click 'Edit'. As soon as 'Edit' comes up, click save, which changes nothing. From this point, 'Edit' seems to take as usual as many times as need be, This is important to fussy posters.


Den B7 : When you click 'edit' to make changes in your post, all your information/answer comes up in an open box as when you first posted your answer. When you have finished adding a 'd' to 'an' so it makes 'and', instead of 'an' to correct, for example, "me an my shadow"; there is a "save", in green, at the bottom right so you can save your changes. If you don't know this, then you have never bothered to go back and correct an error. I congratulate your excuse for ignorance about a simple detail of the format: Perfection.

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