Pregnant and losing my relationship.. because of ME?

I am about 6 weeks pregnant but we are not keeping the baby. This has been the most miserable 6 weeks of my life. Throwing up every day, 10 times a day. No energy at all, moody and miserable. Always so hungry. This is really taking a toll on my body. My boyfriend has been absolutely amazing throughout this and very supportive. But its me that has the problem. I keep asking myself... why does he want to be with me? I am no fun to be around, I am always so tired. I try to not complain so much about being hungry and tired but it gets hard. I just dont understand how he can be happy and faithful to me in a time where I am like this. He tells me that he really does understand how I am feeling and that he loves me and knows I am tired and stuff. But I still just dont feel right about our relationship. He wants to have sex all of the time, like we use to. And I want to as well, but I feel so sick all of the time and I am just so tired. It happens like once every 3 or 4 days. And I know he wants it more, and usually I would too... but my energy is dead. How do I snap outta this? I just need advice please. Thanks

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