Odd situation. Help appreciated.?

Okay... here we go. Brace yourself.

I have a friend, we'll call her Rebecca because I've always like that name, despite the fact it isn't hers. Now keep in mind, we are JUST FRIENDS. No flirting, we are purely just mates. Now, Rebecca was going out with someone, we'll call him Bruce, because Bruce is also a cool name. Now, everything was all fine and dandy, until one day Rebecca asked me, "what do you think about me and Bruce?". To be honest, I didn't really care. He's a standard guy, he's not abusive or anything dangerous, and its her love life. I said this, but I did mention one other thing to Rebecca, saying that Bruce doesn't really hang out with her that much for a boyfriend. This was true, they rarely saw each other. Anyway, a few days later, in our Phys Ed class, we were doing dancing, more specifically the waltz. We're friends, so me and Rebecca went together. It's a good laugh, no one in the class go it right. But half way through, she mentioned to me "Oh, I broke up with Bruce". It then got pretty awkward, I couldn't feel help partly responsible even though I was probably right and it was probably for the best.

Now, here's one thing you should know: I'm moving away soon, to a different part of the country. Rebecca knows this as well, she says she'll miss me but so do most of my friends.

Now, the question. What is actually happening here? Did she take my advice, weigh it up and break up purely because she didn't enjoy the relationship, or, trying not to sound arrogant, do I play a larger role in this situation? Why did she mention it at that moment, when despite the fact it was all a good laugh, there was plenty of sexual tension? Yes, I overthink things way too much.

Anyway, if you got through that, take 1 free hug or this coupon for a donut. Answers appreciated, and this is more of a late night pondering than an obsessive worry. Yes, I'm bored.

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