need advice catching a shoplifter?

Ok this kid came into our store wearing sunglasses and a hat. He got a cart and selected a bookbag and about 20 blue ray movies worth about $500 and went into a blind spot in the store. We didn't see him take the movies but its obvious he did. We went to see the spot after he walked back into view and left the store after paying for the bookbag at the self checkout isle. We found all 20 cases opened and left out in the isle with all the movies removed. We are assuming he put the discs in the bookbag and left. I wanted to stop him but another lp guy told me we can't cuz we didn't see him take them. we called a couple other local stores and they said the same thing happened to him. we believe in the past 2 months he has taken about $10000 worth of merchandise. What can we do to catch him? If we don't see him we can't stop him. His face is covered and he parks his car in a different parking lot so we can't get liscense plate. What do we do??

the $10000 wasnt just from us. it was about 10-15 other department stores in the county that have been hit. we dont ever notice the guy till we see him going to his spot so its hard to react.

you can tell hes experienced. he looks around for cameras and workers. some store said he even brought a friend with to him to play lookout. he changes hats everytime too (probably stole those too) its so complicated because if he runs its not like we can get his car plates because he parks in a different area (unsure where, we watched videos of him just walk off the property and out of sight.) one store chased him but they said hes faster than a mo fo

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