My girlfriend talks to a guy that hit on her in the past?

Okay so my girlfriend and I are both 21,we are together for almost 3 months and she goes to college in the city where I live,because I work here.At weekends she goes home by train,and in the past(before she met me)a guy hit agressively on her.After out first fight she said that he asked her on facebook if she is single and replied yes(she confessed that this happened some time ago).When he saw us at the train station he started acting jealous at her(she told me all of this)she said that I am her boyfriend and then he started to be rude towards her.She threatened to block him on facebook,so he stopped and ever since she said he wants to be only"friends".Every time she leaves he is on the train with her,I asked if she is meeting him on purpose and she said no,but she confirmed that he asked when she leaves and she awnswered.I told her that this makes me unconfortable(I never yelled at her,nor been agressive in any way)but she keeps telling this guy when she leaves,and she"thinks"he comes with her by accident.

We get along great,I met her family and the comunication is great,but this keeps popping up,she talks with him non-stop on facebook when she is home and it makes me want to end it sometimes.

What should I do?

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