My girlfriend broke up with me. What should I do?

Ok first off, I'm 16 and she is 16. I met this girl around 6 months ago through a friend. She lived about 20 minutes away. We started "dating" shortly after (like we weren't offically dating because she was having some issues at school and at home) I was seeing her occasionaly and after about 3 months i told her that i loved her. She said she loved me too and after that we were offically dating. We were a good couple. Yes we had our arguments however we always talked them over and it worked itself out in the end.

Now about 2 weeks ago she told me that she was going to go camping with a bunch of her friends (mostly guys that i could tell wanted to get with her) and that for a little while we could not talk or see each other. I was fine with it though I did worry a little bit (what guy wouldn't).

Some time has past and it was 2 days before she had to leave and i asked her if i could see her for a little bit. So we went to the movies and had a great time. However after the movies she said she had to go and we had made plans to hang out a little more after the movie was over. Though i was a little disappointed i accepted that she had to go and i told her that i was going to miss her while she was gone and that i loved her.

Yesterday was the day she had to leave and we were talking and everything was fine but she said she needed to go somewhere around noon and that she coupdnt talk until just before she left. However i couldn't talk because i would be at a baseball game. Then while i was at the game she sends me a huge text around 7 pages long saying that she couldn't deal with the distance anymore and that it was hurting her and that she saw how upset i got when i couldn't see her after the movies and that she didn't want to put me through that anymore. I was able to read the text about an hour later however she left right as she sent it. I truly do love her and she is really all i have so i don't want to lose her unless i have to. So my question is what should i do?

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