Monday ep..spoilers for y&r...--I'd rather you not read - cause it's so good you should watch!?

but since a couple of people can't wait .. ( i don't blame ya.. that's why i tape the next days ep -lol):

paul tells nina that the red blood cells in the blood sample were broken which means the blood was frozen. it is a match to jill but it isn't cane's blood.

no one can see summer because of this charge against phyllis so they have her as a ward of the state and could possibly be put into a foster home. victor tells micheal he will have none of this and to talk to the judge about he and nikki getting temp custody of summer. all goes well with the judge and they are granted custody. they agree that when summer is able that she would stay with nikki and paul until phyllis has her rights back. ( i thought victor was going to argue about this but he agreed because of ashley's fragile state and adam being a convicted criminal and all) . they hug and put all their differences behind them for awhile and look like the victor and nikki couple we all know and love.

billy and mac are in the hotel room and they make love. so they don't see what's about to take place.

nina and paul interrupt a holiday party and nina just slams into cane about where the blood came from and he says i don't know what you're talking about. nina confronts him about knowing that the blood was frozen and not his and he just stares and says nothing. jills having a fit -- cursing nina about how she's lying and all. then lady k tells cane he better say something for himself and that's when it all comes out. he tells everyone that he is not jill's son phillip and that he never meant to hurt anyone. jills devestated, let alone lily. then jill asks him how could he do this.....and that's when you hear someone say - "he didn't" and it goes to phillip- he's there -!

nina gaps - poor girl's going to faint

and jills just looking - i think she's going down too-lol!

that's when it went off.

don't mind the grammer and spelling - cause i'm typing so fast - excited about the show-lol

and please watch - cause i really didn't do the ep. justice with my rendition. just the looks on they're faces. and cane looks at him - like why did you make me do this - this evil look

it was good


i just realized that this would be friday's ep, - i hought it was friday all day yrsterday=good thing i had nothing to do!

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