Midwife vs OBGYN?

I am 18 weeks along with my first child. I have been seeing a regular OBGYN for all my prenatal care thus far. I have done a lot of research and have decided that I would like an at home water birth. I am considered a low risk pregnancy and I live less than 2 miles from a hospital in case of an emergency. I did some research on the midwife that I was considering and confirmed that she is licensed and has been practicing for many years. My husband is on board with the idea to switch to a midwife. The problem is when I spoke to my OBGYN today about switching (solely because he does not perform water births) he was EXTREMELY negative about it. He told me that if I decided to switch to a midwife he would write a letter telling my husband and I that he disagrees with our decision. Now I am afraid that if we do want a midwife, that he will submit this letter to our health insurance company and they may decline to cover us under the care of a midwife.

I am so angry. Can he do this?


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