I'm about to give up on college....what should I do?

Ok let me explain my situation

-I wanted to start college in spring

-I'm 18

-No Car

-Out of high school (have been for a few months)

-No Money

-I have a job but it is very un-dependable (seeing as my boss is the one causing all my issues AKA-My dad)

Ok so I wanted to start school in January, currently I cannot apply for financial aid because neither of my parents have done their taxes in about.....I don't know....5 years (by the way I was already accepted into school but couldn't go because of that reason). My mom said I can go independent on my financial aid but then I HAVE TO PAY for school.Naturally I'm fine with that but.......that's where this whole no car thing comes into play. I just don't understand how I'm expected to do everything with nothing. I just don't know what to do. I mean my mom tries to help all she can (my parents are divorced btw) but my dad only gives her $100/week so she can't help out and my dad is too busy spending every cent he has on his tanking business and his skank new wife and her kids......me and my sister don't get SH-IT......I just don't know what to do.....I'm at the end of the line and about to give up on my future.

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