Is there any way to track back to the original site a torrent came from?

Back in February of 2014 I downloaded a few torrents of Pokemon episodes subbed (this was when they were hard to track down, now it seems like a lot of sites have them). They were downloaded individually from this site. I sort of forgot about watching them and the series so the site was erased from my history due to age and BitTorrent deleted the torrents along with all others I had (update maybe, it doesn t matter).

Recently though I found them all in my computers Roaming folder. Now I want to find the original site which the file name unfortunately given no indication of. Searching the file name doesn t work either because all of the sites torrenting the episodes use it.

I m looking for another hard to find subbed anime (Hamtaro if anyone can help with this too) and I figure this site could have it since it had Pokemon when no other site did but I need to know if there is some way to track it back through the torrent file.

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