Is the job situation the same everywhere?

Everyone I talk to unless they are lucky enough to have a good paying job already (of course they live in La La land and don't have a very good grip of the reality of how bad things really are) so please ignore them or if you are one of those people don't bother answering. It seems like the job situation is the same everywhere. There are very few jobs availiable and the ones that are available are so low paying that is would take a person four of those low wage jobs just to make your minimum monthly expenses. And it seems to be the same everywhere. So do they want everyone on food stamps and well fair? The worst thing is if you do take one of those low wage jobs you really don't qualify for assitance because you are working. You can't afford food or houseing, but you are working doesn't that defeat the purpose of having a job? So how do they expect people to live anymore?

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