Is she into me or just being a friend?

Well, here's the semi-story. I want to get straight to the point w/o boring you all.

So there's this girl who is new to the school. I started talking to her like a week and a half ago. The first day we met we got along. That same day she asked me to skip with her the next lunch because she wanted to see the different clubs there was. Then we went to the library and just talked a lot. Later she grabbed my arm and wrote her name on it, and started laughing. She let me write my name on her arm too. I got her number that day and she made her name like flirty-like. She also made me follow her on Instagram.

Days passed and I see her in lunch. Everytime I look at her, she's looking at me. There was this one day where she saw me talking to these other girls (friends) and she was acting sort of dry the next couple of days.

Well today we were in Math and she kept asking me stuff. While I was working, she would throw her pen at me or say "Pssst! Hi!" just for the heck of it. She asked me today what I look for in a girl, and if I like girls with a big ***. I said that I rather go for a girl with a great personality and ok looks than a supermodel who's a b*tch. She said I answered great.

Then in English she began to draw on my arm while I was working. She wrote her name on it and I wrote my name on hers with a heart at the end (Yes I was being flirty I guess). She began talking to this other kid there for a while and then I told her "I'm surprised you didn't talk to me for like 20 mins", and she said "Jealous?" and laughed.

I'm not sure if she's into me, so do you think she is? Thanks :)

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