May 2021 4 17 Report

Is Pulp Fiction illogical?

DOes Pulp Fiction make sense, logically? Forget that it is a fictitious film etc, is there a loop in the film?

I'm referring to the part where Butch (Bruce Willis) returns to his apartment to collect his fathers watch and meets Vincent (John Travolta) whom he guns down. At this point in the movie, Vincent is wearing a Tuxedo.

However, the last time that Vncent wears a Tuxedo is before he accidentally shoots the head of one of the boys in his car. At this point, Samuel L Jackson calls The Wolfman, who orders the two to get changed into some ordinary clothes.

These "ordinary clothes" that both Samuel L Jackson and John Travolta get changed into are the same clothes that they wear when they meet Marcellus in his bar, earlier on in the film. And it is here, in this bar, that Bruce Willis sees Travolta for the first time, in his ordinary clothes.

So the last time Travolta wore his Tux was before he met Willis for the first time in the bar. So Willis killed Travolta then later met him in the bar?

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