is it wrong to read my daughters texts without her knowing?

I gave my daughter a lot of freedom and trust until last year. She was brought home by the police who found her and 2 friends in a flat above a piza shop with 3 older men. they were foreigners who worked in the piza shop the police said her and a friend were in bed with 1 and her other friend asleep on the floor they didnt think anything had happened as they were fully clothed and they had interveiwed them all my daughter was 15 at the time. The police said they had been watching the flat as girls had been found there before who hadnt come home that night and the parents had phoned the police. I told her she had to earn my trust but at the same time trying not to be too strict. Anyhow I have now have access to her texts messages as I found out she has been lying about her wherabouts I found out that on new years eve when she was supposed to be staying at her friends she had actually got a train to another city and stayed overnight at a party there. I feel after finding that out that I can now monitor her through her texts so I no if she is lying about her wherebouts She tried to lie about this weekend but because I knew where she was going I was prepared and had an answer for her. I feel I need to do this for safety reasons not out of noseyness as I feel it is a lot more dangerous world now with the internet and meeting people you dont realy know. Is this wrong or am i being to overprotective I just feel anything could have happened in that flat from stories that I heard after.

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