If you dont pay taxes, then you aren't paying for the voting system, you cannot vote. Is this Constitutional?

If those on welfare, and other handout systems (not retirement) who are healthy and of working age do not pay taxes which fund the democratic process, some argue they should not have the right to vote. It would cut government spending, and remove what many consider bribery votes.

Is this constitutional. If it isn't, quote the amendment that says so.


But there is no amendment saying everyone, even those who are a burden on society have voting rights.....Or is there.

Update 3:

Tmin ~ Good try. That Amendment is clear. But that lists things other than income, or status of collecting handouts. You are assuming that income, and handout status are connected to race, sex, or previous slavery, and that is incorrect. (and shows racism on your part as the PC would say) lol

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