I was raised christian and pregnant with first child. Im not christian any more what to do.?

I am pregnant and ive been thinking about how my parents raised me christian and how am i going to raise my child.

When i was growing up i would prey everynight with my dad next to me and i went to sunday school till i was about 11 and then around 15 i started study and learning about other religions and relized that christian is just what my parents raised me to believe in, but i learned by my self that i dont believe in that, i just went along with what my parents did. i did believe it until i started seeing things in a different view point.

so now im trying to decide if i should raise my child they way my parents did. i was a very happy child but i would be teaching my child somthing that me and my fiance do not believe in is that wrong?

should i raise him/her with the beliefs i have or should i just keep it christian.

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