May 2021 6 39 Report

I want to watch an anime with feels?

I really want to watch something that'll give me goosebumps or feel emotional with the scene/characters. Some anime that achieved this are:

Angel Beats! - ending

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanajo - ending

Attack on Titan - ep 5 ending and fight with female titan

Steins;Gate - certain part when SPOILER dies (if you watched then you know)

One Piece - Brooke's past

These are just examples though, any anime that you got the feels while watching please recommend. I'm very open and like all kinds of genres. I mostly watch anime that aren't mainstream so please don't feel like you shouldn't list something just because it isn't popular. I will watch (almost) anything: any story, characters, genre, mainstream, non-mainstream. You get the point. So please, fire away!

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