I need advice for MacGuyvering a backlit etch-a-sketch. I cant seem a way to work around the Aluminum powder?

I have had this idea for a while now, and wanted to make one as a gift. I plan on using LEDs. What I cant figure out is what material to use that would prevent the super fine Aluminum power/pigment from coating and thus blocking any light from the LEDs. I do know about the possible dangers of the powder combusting (grain silo effect). I'ts prolly why the parent company never tried to market one. But I'm sure I can work around that problem. One idea I had involves the use of 2-way mirror tint...the other a sandwich of plexiglas with the leds stuck somewhere so the LEDs/light path are 100% clear of being blocked or coated with the powder. Is there even another type of powder that may work, even if it meant sacrificing the ability to draw with fine detail? Thanks for any advice.


I have bought an xmas light string set for $4.99 at Target. They are RGB leds that cycle through multiple colors. I was hoping to light up the etched line...not sure if the light will be strong enough to make the fine lines shine through. I could also use a cheap 5mw green laser.

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