I have Mr. Magoo-ish relative who is staying with us and makes a mess all the time. How do you deal with him?

He makes coffee and drops the grounds on the counter. He eats pizza and drops the toppings on the floor. He pops open beer bottles then drops the damn caps. When he eats, he can't even see the napkins, then leaves the mess.

He doesn't even say "Sorry, I'm blind", use his glasses, or use a goof-proof way of doing things. He is my mom's nephew, yet as almost old as my parents. He was finally caught cheating (psuedo business trips, affair with sister in law) and his daughter convinced their mother to get a divorce. I have to tell him to use a can opener, to point out every mess he makes. I have no respect for him whatsoever and now I gotta be condescending towards him and be the ***. He has been on our couch for a damn year. I don't change the litter on purpose (its 5 feet away from couch). On one hand he deserves it for abandoning his kids for this mistress, but now i'm getting tired of it.


My parents have given him this "year" to prep himself so he can move to the "Old Country" to live with his mistress. It's more like the person he's stuck with...if he wouldn't hae gotten caught. He would have moved on to another. He was juggling 3 women over there.

After a few months of him staying here, I started to feel sorry. Until he asked me if I knew anything about spyware and if its possible for his wife and daughter to hack his password on his computer. The reason he asked, was that his eldest/daughter, who basically ran the investigative front, hacked into his email password, fowarded all the whore correspondence to all her family, proving to them that it is he that is cheating and not her as he started accusing her of only after the gears of the divorce machine have started.

Anyways, back to the story, I caught him talking to other girls online. Wow, already cheating on the mistress...lol. Jes.. Chr...!

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