I don't know how to feel or what to do...?

Hi. I'm in 8th grade at the moment. I basically only have 1 best friend, let's call her Tracy. (I'm changing their names in case of the off chance that they find/read this) I have been best friends with Tracy since 3rd grade. We have always done everything together. But now, she is slowly moving into another group. We used to make fun of them...how snotty and obnoxious they are. But now she hangs out with and talks to them everyday. Now, I'm not saying that she's not allowed to have other friends, but she ditches me for them all the time. I feel so lonely and I want to cry. The main one, lets call her Riley, is probably the worst one. I don't exactly hate her, but I do dislike the way she acts, I.e, very loud, rude, and overall a brat. They now say "I love you!" Daily to each other, and when I say it she never says it back. The other 3 girls are alright, but still act very similar to Riley, yet to a lesser extent. I am really introverted and quiet and I don't want to change myself to please them...but at the same time I don't want to lose my best friend, because then I'll have no one. I guess I should add that I was diagnosed with depression when I was 11, but Tracy or anyone else doesn't know that. I'm not saying to separate them, but what do I do? I just want to cry every time this happens at school. I feel so worthless. Please help. Thank you.

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