I am 17 and my girl friend and I had a bad day, so I called her friend to she if she could help!!!?

Her friend apparently took it the wrong way and thinks I am into her. She 1. Told my girlfriend I called her (which made her mad) 2. always complements me on how Ive lost weight and how cute I am 3. Apparently has dreams about getting with me and even marrying me 4. Told her boyfriend (my friend) about it all And 5. Is trying to split her and her boyfriend up.

It feels good that she compliments me but I would rather have my own girlfriend give me them.

She says that I am a physically attractive guy who has very desirable traits physically, mentally, and in my actions.

I dont want to confront her but it might be necessary.

But is it just her mixed feelings because her and her boyfriend are hitting a rough patch. Or does she acctually like me.

I really am not interested, I like my own girlfriend.

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