May 2021 10 0 Report

How many of you would like to see some kind of proof that bin laden's really is dead?

Bin laden isn't your run-of-the-mill, everyday criminal. This mofo was like a chameleon, a ghost, always managing to stay one step ahead of us. For ten plus years, he eluded capture, while killing thousands along the way. This is exactly the kind of person whose death has to be seen to be believed.

It's weird how quickly they disposed of his body, its even weirder that they won't show us something, a picture or some video footage to prove he really is dead.

The president says the pictures are "too gruesome" to show on tv. Fine. Why not put a couple on the internet so that those who don't feel the need to see them won't have to see them, and those who do, can? I think most of us could care less if bin laden sympathizers will get angry if pictures of bin laden are revealed. They are already angry, they couldn't possibly hate us any more than they already do. Some people don't deserve respect, some people do. Osama is not one of those people. But, that's just the way I, and everyone I know, feels. What's your position?

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