How do I know if I really love him?

Me and my boyfriend got together over a year ago. When we first got together everything was wonderful. It was like we instantly connected. I would have went anywhere with him, and done anything for him. We've broke up and got back together at least four times in the last six months. Things have just lost their spark. It actually ended up with me kicking him out for a week. I know that he loves me. Since we've got back together (we're not technically together, we're doing what we do (expressing how we feel, etc.) without putting a label on it for now until we get out of an extremely stressful situation. My mother keeps trying to break us up so until we move out of her house we're not going to be "together". The thing is my sex drive is extremely low. I like him, I think he's cute, but when he wants to "do it", I never want to. It's like I have no sexual attraction to him at all... What does this mean? Does it mean my feelings are gone for him?

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