How do I get my best friend back and stop being mad at me? Pt. 1?

On october I found out that I liked my best guy friend. The first person that i told was was my best friend that's a girl. She's been trying to get me and him together ever since October. He kept saying no or maybe. She's been getting mad at him for all of those things. Then one day he told her that he liked her. She told me the next day. Then on December I asked him out because I forgave him. It took me a while but I still did. He said yes. But he was dating this other girl and I didn't know but he told me the same day before anything got into a lot of stuff. The only people that found out first was my 4 other girl friends. They were the only ones who knew. The next day my best friend sent me a message saying oh u are so desperate how dare u ask him out while u knew he had a gf. I just replied with I'm sorry and stuff like that cuz she's my friend. Then on Sunday of December she put it as her status about how some people can act so desperate and like hoes. She then told all of her friends who are also my friends about it. The day after that she came to school all mad and stuff and didn't want to talk to me. By the next day she stopped being mad at me. Here comes January 14 on Monday it was after school my best guy friend asked me out and I said yes she never knew because I never told her I didn't want her to get pissed. When we were walking home she said she thinks my ex was the best for me than that guy (my current boyfriend) I was being honest with her saying that I should've waited for my boyfriend to b my first kiss instead of my ex. She said no I had my first kiss with the right guy. I wanted to tell her but I wanted to wait a while. Only 5 people knew about me and him. Then on Thursday almost everyone in the school found out bout me nd him. She didn't she was home sick. Then after school that day I went to my friends house first then went to his house to talk about how were going to tell her about us. Next day she found out I went to his house and called me..

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