Double Standard about 1st amendment right of speech?

Isiah Washington was released from Greys Anotomy for stating that he's nobody's punk. Jessie Jackson made a remark about Jews and was not considered for public office. Al Sharpton thought a little girl was raped and accused white guys and was wrong and never has been forgiven. Well all 3 of these people had to pay for what they said. You don't hear many black people defending them. So why did so many people make a big deal out of Don Imus losing his job. It's the same exact situation but it's OK to some for him to say stupid things about others race. I believe everyone should be held to the same standard. People like Dave Chappel and Chris Rock are never derogatory towards white people like Micheal Richards was about blacks. If you can find a time when they were then please stat it to me. What is your opinion on why some people are allowed to say racist statements but others are not. Being racist is when you degrade anothers person because of race. Chappel, Pryor and Rock don't degrade


I believe people were correct in holding Jackson, Sharpton, and Washington accountable so don't get me wrong. I feel as mature adults we should hold everyone no matter what the race accountable when they degrade people. Especially some nice young ladies.

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